Hello, everyone. This is DW. Of all incidental possibilities you are now using a little bit of time in browsing this site. Marvelous!

I have resided in the Internet for decades, always trying to build something. But yea, you know, with the limitation of willingness, inspiration, incentive and time. Many attempts failed.

This is another trial. Give it a try, as always.

A new term came to me, Digital Garden. I do appreciate this concept, with some tools to help organizing our muddled mind. Keep a record on our inspirations. A garden will evolve from time to time, if you are interested, please come back from time to time to check whether there would be any updates.

Content of this site

The Platform and the Tools

I host this site on NeoCities, I prefer a static website, as being a Digital Gardener, I don’t need many fancy features on this site. With HTML, CSS and minimal Javascripts, we can already create some appealing websites.

Github also hosts static websites, but the people using NeoCities tend to create very eccentric and funny sites, Github is too technical and formal in this sense.

The backbone of this site is Quartz, it is a light weight yet powerful static site generator, which matches with my workflow. Highly appreciate that.

On the content of this site

I release the content of the site by using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.