Here are the book list I am intended to read, or finished reading.
Time is precious, I am a speed reader. When I borrow a book from the library, and I find it not that suitable for me. I will not finish it.
I try to focus on at most two books at a time. So that I can concentrate my energy on a topic.
- Coreen Sol: Unbiased Investor - Reduce Financial Stress and Keep More of Your Money
- Katherine Harmon Courage: Cultured - How Ancient Foods Can Feed Our Microbiome (發酵文化:古老發酵食)
- Milton Viorst: 錫安主義——猶太復國主義的起始、終篇與續章
To read:
- (日)村松梢風:《魔都》
- 普羅文(Iain Provan):《聖經以色列史》(香港:天道書樓,2010年)。
- 唐健倫(Glen L. Thompson):《聖經背景——聖經時代的地理、歷史及日常生活》(香港: 亞洲路德會神學院,2015年)。
- Carmine Gallo: Talk like TED - The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
- Ian Johnson: The souls of China - The return of religion after Mao
- Mark Granovetter: Society and Economy: Framework and Principles | 《社會與經濟——信任、權力與制度》
- Serge Moscovici: L’Age Des Foules | 《群氓的時代》
- National Geographic - The Brain Discover the Ways Your Mind Works
- Jeff Rubin: The Exendables - How the Middle Class Got Screwed by Globalization
- Karen Armstrong: The Lost Art of Scripture - Rescuing the Sacred Texts
- James Suzman: Work - A Deep History from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots
- Tom Burford: Apples of North America
- Backyard Farming: from raising chickens to growing veggies, the beginner’s guide to running a self-sustaining farm
- Oliver Heath: Design a Healthy Home: 100 ways to transform your space to physical and mental well-being
- Stephen Mitford Goodson: A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
Finished reading
- Nick Maggiulli: Just Keep Buying
- Will Harris: A Bold Return to Giving a Damn: One Farm, Six Generations, and the Future of Food
- James Howard Kunstler: Living in the Long Emergency: Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward
- Joshua Brown: How I Invest My Money - Finance Experts Reveal How They Save, Spend, and Invest
- John Moody: The Frugal Homesteader: Living the good life on less
Great Failure in this year
As a series of bad luck in 2023, I do not keep any meaningful reading log this year…
- Richard Kearney: Touch
- 宮部美幸: 希望莊
- Rejean Venne: 5 Years to Freedom: A Canadian Guide to Early Retirement
- David Sim: Soft City - Building Density for Everyday Life
- Hans Rosling: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World
- Richard Maxwell: How Green is Your Smartphone?
- Emily Anthes: The Great Indoors: The Suprising Science of How Buildings Shap Our Behavior, Health, and Happiness
- Andrew Waldron: Exploring the Captial: An Architectural Guide to the Ottawa-Gatineau Region
- Andrew King: Ottawa Rewind 2
- Andrew King: Ottawa Rewind: A book of curios and mysteries
- Allen R. Wells: The First Canadian
- Louise Reynolds: MacKenzie King: Friends & Lovers
- Benjamin Graham: 智慧型股票投資人
- Scot McKnight: Fasting: The Ancient Practices
- Woody Tasch: Inquiries into the nature of Slow Money
- Simon Winchester: Land - How the Hunger for Ownership Shaped the Modern World
- Jessica Bruder: Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century
- Jane Brox: Silence: A Social History of One of the Least Understood Elements of Our Lives
- Jacob Goldstein: Money: The True Story of A Made-up Thing
- Elle Blue: Bikenomics
- Dan Chiras: The Chinese Greenhouse
- Oliver Burkeman: Four Thousand Weeks, Time Management for Mortals
- Shane O’Mara: In Praise of Walking
- 置地: 置地公司125年
- Jennifer McCartney: So you want to move to Canada, eh? : stuff to know before you go
- 倪匡: 追龍
- 黃仁宇: 赫遜河畔談中國歷史
- 西村京太郎: 神秘列車消失記
- Beretta P-13: 東京百年老舖
- 東野圭吾: 名偵探的守則
- 松浦彌太郎: 續。日日100
- 松浦彌太郎: 日日100
- 吳鉤: 宋仁宗:共治時代
- Carrie James: The Digital Disconnet: Youth, New Media, and the Ethnic Gap
- Kirupa Chinnathambi: JavaScript: Absolute beginner’s guide
- Jim Paul: What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars
- David Edgerton: 老科技的全球史 The Shock of the Old
- 劉智鵬、孫霄: 中英街與沙頭角禁區
- 陳自瑜: 香港巴士年鑑 1997、1998、2000、2014、2018、2019
- 納森.蘭特(Nathan H. Lents): 人類這個不良品:從沒用的骨頭到脆弱的基因
- 中村光: 聖哥傳
- 陳天權: 神聖與禮儀空間:香港基督宗教建築
- 唐慕華: 展翅困乏之中
- 張家偉: 六七暴動-香港戰後歷史的分水嶺
- 荒川弘: 銀之匙