My dream list about FileRun

I just found the greatness of the docker hosted FileRun. Just my personal thoughts about the function it can include, so that it can be an all-in-one service.

  • Sharable album: I realize many services might have underestimate the time consumed on creating and maintaining an album.
    • A normal album can just take seconds to create, but as the numbers of album is only incremental, after accumulating for years, there can be hundreds of albums.
    • Not many album management services offer the backup / export album service. We still do not have a standardized format on album backup.
    • Currently, FileRun’s album is fast and thumbnail creation is also fast. It requires only little computer resources when compared with other album dockers, life PhotoPrism / LibrePhotos.
    • However, FileRun does not have an option for sharing albums with users on the same platform.
    • It is possible though, to create a web accessible link, so that everyone with the link can see that album.
    • But it is more convenient and secure to share albums across users, so that certain family members can access to certain albums.
  • Face-recognition: Yes, it is true that it was well beyond the scope of FileRun - a file management service. But as FileRun offers many funny and useful plug-ins, if a face-recognition plug-in can be introduced, then FileRun can replace most of the album software / services.
  • GUI Configurable Cron Job: Many people host FileRun on their NAS, and the files that were handled outside FileRun was not being updated automatically in FileRun.
    • We have to introduce some cron jobs to perform these tasks. I think these tasks are quite frequently accessed, if FileRun introduce a Wizard for that, it will significantly flatten the learning curve of FileRun.